Earn Promo Code, Coupon & Cash Back Prizes!
Stop giving away your browsing data for free! It’s time you received GUARANTEED promo code, coupons & cash back deals from brands of your choice ON EVERY SINGLE PURCHASE as your share of the advertising ecosystem.
Every Ad You See, SOMEONE is Making Money Out of YOUR Data!
Would You Rather Take the Profit YOURSELF or Let Some Random Company Have it?
How Does The App Work?
Step 1
Take a screenshot of disturbing Ads on social media platforms or take a picture of an irrelevant out-of-home Ad
Step 2
The App Detects & Replaces them with a thank you note and offer from the Brand of Your Choice
Step 3
Cash out your prize by choosing "cash back", "points rewards", "promo code" or "cryptocurrency"
Your Data is Safe in Discountopia!
We respect your privacy:
- We do NOT collect personal or sensitive information
- Your activities will NOT be shared with anyone
- We say NO to irrelevant & disturbing targeted Ads
You are in full control by choosing:
- Which CATEGORY of Ads you are interested in
- Which BRANDS you support
- WHEN you want to receive coupons
Discountopians are Rewarded!
You will receive cash back prizes for:
- PROMOTING a brand of your choice
- Being LOYAL to the brand you love
- Participating in FUN CHALLENGES along the way
You will get paid by your method of choice:
- Cash Back
- Crypto Currency
- Points Towards Discounts
Become a Pioneer Discountopian & Benefit from Preferred Deals
Not Ready Yet? You can check out our Interactive App Demo here:
You can also visit the FAQ Page to gain more insight about our team, campaign and product.
Let Us Know What You Think!
Please fill the form below and share your feedback with us. Ask any questions you have and we will get back to you shortly.